
To live life to the fullest – the mere thought can put me under stress: what do I need to do, in order not to miss anything? But when I let Szymborska’s Note in I feel so much space, so much light. I cannot wait to go on living. What about you?

Note (by Wisława Szymborska)

Life is the only way
to get overgrown by leaves,
to gasp for breath on the sand,
to rise on wings;

to be a dog,
or to stroke its warm fur;

to tell pain
from everything that is not

to fit in events,
to be part of a view,
to seek the least among all possible mistakes;

an extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
what was said
with the lamp put out;

and if only once
to stumble on a stone,
to end up soaked in some rain or another,
to loose your keys in the grass;

and to follow a spark in the wind with your eyes;

and to hold that something important
is everlasting
eluding you.

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