
Our commitment to your privacy

Your privacy has priority for us.

We have taken all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized use of data and to make sure all collected data are used correctly.

Do you have question, worries or complaints around our privacy-policy?

Dial 0031 433 110 334

Send an email to aletholwerda@gmail.com

This will always be handled with high priority.

What information do we ask for?

In order to be able to deliver the requested information, services or products, we ask you for the following necessary information:

• Name

• Address

• Email

If you desire the delivery to a third party, we may ask you for its data, too.

We do not save any information about your way of payment (banc account or credit card) in our systems.

How do we use the information?

We use this information exclusively in order to deliver the information, resources, products and services you have asked for. Your data will never and under no circumstances be forwarded to other parties.

If you have asked for regular information, you can unsubscribe easily at any time.

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